German state gov. ditching Windows for Linux

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

But is it? We remember when the Bavarian capital Munich was on a similar path with their LiMux program to be used by all the city’s hardware, 13 – 15,000 computers, and was quite successfully rolled out … until bollocktics abruptly cancelled the party and re-introduced Windows for huge amounts of money and much of mayhem and bad mood among the city’s employees and clients.

Reason for the bad decision: Microsoft’s European or German headquarters are located in Munich! Upon hearing of the Linux rebellion in his host city, MS chairman Steve Ballmer even interrupted his Swiss vacation in order to bribe negotiate personally with the Mayor of Munich. Orcablog reported on the affair. You must know that Bavaria is kinda the Texas of Germany, a very conservative state, very industry friendly and the civil servants never say no to some money on the side.

End of LiMux. End of story.

Until recently.

Windows, as we all know, has become so unbearably bad and Win10 support has officially been ended a while ago. That means the city must buy all new hardware since the old stuff isn’t powerful enough to comply with Windows11’s irresponsible requirements. So, now they are spending another huge lump of money to scale back to the nice Linux.

Typical German effectiveness. 😐

But now I hear that on the northern end of Germany, in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, they are setting up all computers, not only of the capitol city Kiel – but the whole state – on Linux and all FOSS software.

Very good.

You must know, that compared to the rich gangster’s paradise Bavaria, S-H is a piss-poor state, all their hardware dates back to WinXP times. No chance to run Win11 on those museum pieces. And anyway, the licence fees are killer anyway, so they made the right decision which will make all the workforce and customers … and the finance minister happy. So much for the tech-happy industry leaders Germany. 😦 I’m sooo fuxn embarassed for my birthcountry. 😐

Anyhoo, here’s a new video about the latest developments:

fltr: Linus, Germanman, Bill


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