I’m Feeling Old, Soooo Ooooooold. :/

That Stranger Things’s last season was a bit of a letdown has nothing to do with it. But this strange occurance does:

I’ve spent many creative hours in such a room …
Heck, I’ve earned good money by staring at photos in my own darkroom …
… but I’ve gotta learn how to touch a screen to do the magick?

I’m hearing great things about analogue photography’s making a comeback but those youngster hipsters have no clue what a fukn darkroom is???

enlargerHmm, and this comes at a time when I just had someone clearing out our garage and I saw them schlepping out two of my old enlargers. Spent countless hours with them during my bohemian artist 20s. In my darkroom. It was my happy place. I even made some money with my laboratory skillz. But mostly just created personal memories. At the newspaper we had two laboratory ladies doing that work for us, while we were roaming the city on appointment. Really, I won’t need those apparatuses anymore, probably never again in my life. But still, it kinda hurts a little to see the old stuff being forgotten so fast, carelessly discarded from our shared cultural experience.

And you fukkers expect me to learn how to finger gesture on a friggin small screen to do weird, completely unrelated things on a … a what? … a telephone?

Not gonna happen.




  1. 🙂 Would you believe that I haven’t made the time as yet to watch, “Stranger Things” on Netflix?

    Also, I would want to believe that there are a few youngsters who actually know what a darkroom is.

    Do enjoy the rest of your day!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Education isn’t what it used to be, is it? You’d think somewhere in high school, or at the very least junior high, they’d be forced to read a book that had the word and/or concept of a dark room in it. There’s plenty of movies too, that show dark rooms. But…oh, well. None of them know who Bogart is anymore. And I saw a video once of a bunch of teenagers trying to figure out how to use a dial phone, but I think it was fake. IT HAD TO BE. My mind won’t accept otherwise.
    I agree with you about season 2 of Stranger Things. It was somewhat of a letdown………..

    Liked by 1 person

    • They slowly lost it in season 2 but we’re talking about season 3 now, don’t we? We have it here on hard disk, ready to watch. Planned to bingewatch the wholes season in one go … but always finding excuses not to start with it. :/

      But now that you mention Bogart and dial phones, and I just admitted to have given my enlargers to the cleaners/movers because I’ll never need them again … I guess we can let these things get into oblivion and forget about them.

      I’ve only ever watched 3 Bogart movies, that Casablanca borefest, something about a Maltese Falcon and the only good one that left an impression me, the one where he sails down an African river with Katherine Hepburn or so … Pfff, I say let’s forget about him now.

      And dial phones? Seriously didn’t use any of those since the late 70s I guess. No reason to remember them. I guess it hurts our generation since we’ve known and used all those things and have a deep rooted fear to be discarded and erased from memory along with them.

      And, to be honest, that clueless guy in that forum might be an exception anyway. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, know what I mean? I can imagine most teens would still know what a darkroom is.


  3. Didn’t know there was a season 3. Where the hell have I been?

    Well, as far as time going by and complaining goes, if we’re gonna complain about kids not knowing what a dark room is, I think the same goes for a rotary telephone. I mean, come on. I’ve never seen a gramophone in person, but I know what it is. When I was a kid, I knew who Bogart and Bette Davis were, and they were pretty much only memories by then. Things do come and go, but I think our boundaries of awareness have shrunk down to just blinders on for the here and now. I don’t think younger people today know or care about anything beyond what’s right in front of them.

    And lol !!! To call the Maltese Falcon a snore fest is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time. If folks aren’t into the xpressions, fashions, way of life or even acting ability of the past, some classics, if not all, WILL be boring. But that was hilarious that you said that, ha ha! Thanks you

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “Didn’t know there was a season 3. Where the hell have I been?”
    Here, let me Goog… Startpage that for you:

    Also I said, and let me pick the correct quote quickly: “Casablanca borefest”, not Maltese Falcon snorefest.
    About acting abilities we must open a dedicated thread. At that time most actors had a solid theatrical background and were used to totally overdone dramatic acting. In theatres you don’t have close-ups and people in the last row can’t identify what feelings you’re trying to project if you don’t make it abundantly clear. I find acting in most movies of old rather unnatural overacted and lacking in detail.

    “I’ve never seen a gramophone in person, but I know what it is. When I was a kid, I knew who Bogart and Bette Davis were, and they were pretty much only memories by then.”
    You might be on to something here, right. The youngsters are just stupid and poorly educated. But, funny thing, did you know that you and me are contemporaries of Charlie Chaplin (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) as well as Buster Keaton (October 4, 1895 – February 1, 1966)? Keaton was only 1 or 2 years senior of my own grandpa. All 3 of ’em did survive not one but two world wars. Although Chaplin and Keaton probably never been in any trenches, but my gramps fought for the Kaiser 1914 – 18 and against Hitler 1923 – 1945. Maybe that’s why they are called the unkaputtable generation.
    Bogart died before I was born but Davis died only in 1989, when hubby and me had already moved in together. All my cars were built before her death. Yes, I’m a bad consumer. :/

    “Things do come and go, but I think our boundaries of awareness have shrunk down to just blinders on for the here and now. I don’t think younger people today know or care about anything beyond what’s right in front of them.”
    Mhm… /me nods head. But we gotta understand they are special snowflakes, every last one of ’em, and we must believe in them and their special … abilities. Because since they are at the helm we got really good, woke movies and TV and super duper industrial products and the world is a much better place now. 🙂
    /me groans

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Aaaaaahhh! You said the dirty word !!!! “Woke”!!!!!!!!!!! My skin is crawling, lol !!!
    Thanks for going through my response point by point. I think if you put them side by side, Casablanca and Maltese Falcon would be similarly boring. One really does have to be in the *mood* to watch them, ’cause year, I agree, the over-acting, the over-the-top drama…. it can be a bit much. But it can be fun too. And there was some subtle acting in there also.
    Thanks for the links above. I shall check them out. But I doubt we’ll be tuning into season 3. We were too let down by season 2. It’s like Handmaid’s Tale. It’s sort of veering off in a direction I’m not sure is working very well.
    I need to do a post on how Wokeness and Save the Cat have ruined movies almost singlehandedly…….

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    • ““Woke”!!!!!!!!!!! My skin is crawling, lol !!!”
      Only it’s no laughing matter. Woke for me always was synonym with ‘awareness’ which is basically a very good thing. Only those millenial SJWs ruined it once and for all.

      “And there was some subtle acting in there also.”
      Of course. They didn’t produce movies on the conveyor belt like nowadays, as routine products, calculated and target specific made industrial products. Back then every movie had some kind of vision behind it and directors still took care to see exactly that vision come alive on the screen.

      “I doubt we’ll be tuning into season 3. We were too let down by season 2.”
      Zacly my resentment too. Season 2 wasn’t as fun as season 1 anymore, the novelty effect wore off rather badly. Our only hope is that season 3 is supposed to pick up pace after the first few shows and becomes a real horror movie. Oh well, I’m not a big fan of that either, so maybe we’ll let season 3 slip and call it a day.

      Can’t say anything about Handmaid’s Tale, only know the movie from the 80s and guess I wasn’t too impressed by it. :/

      Talking about purposely sitting shows out and missing movies altogether, I’m mulling over a blog about that phenomenon since a couple days already.

      Looking forward to read your thoughts/blog.

      Laterz xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  6. First season of Handmaid’s Tale is worth it (if you can stomach the flashbacks).
    Only because you can watch, on TV, what’s actually happening, step by step, in the USA right now. And the silent VP Pence would make a PERFECT commander where he could finally f*** all the women he wanted, legally, and still not be alone in a room with another woman without his wife present.

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