And Another Mini PC

A pretty yummy one today. The Asrock Deskmini GTX/RX ain’t the smallest or cutest thing you’ve ever seen … BUUUT this thing can and will kick ass if you want it to!!!

Read and watch on:

DeskMini GTXRX
Small but powerful!

What lifts this machine over and above all the miniminimicromini ‘puters I showed you occasionally is that it features really grown up desktop hardware, from the processor to the graphics card. It also costs more than the little playthings. So I guess this is just the right stuff as your main SL computer or … general computer to do whatever with. The Asrock Deskmini won’t throw the towel that easily. πŸ™‚

Look here, Brian of Tech YES City YuuTuub channel has reviewed it:

Lenovo ThinkCentre “MiniMe”

Yeah, see the size? It’s maybe a bit more narrower but taller, or wider, than MiniMe, my bigger Lenovo mini desktop. And it’s on a new infrastructure/form factor, it’ll blow MiniMe (and Gaga, and even MiniMax) right out of the water. Anyway, this is so much more than an office warrior and a simple Linux tester. The Asrock Deskmini could be your next computer! And installing Linux on it would make it even more fancy. πŸ˜‰ And useful.


800 dollars is quite ok for a machine like this.



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