O@tM: Boy Kills World

Boy, a mayhem machine with a hilarious inner voice, has been trained from childhood by his mentor to assassinate the bloodthirsty Hilda Van Der Koy and avenge his family’s murder. Guided by his little sister’s mischievous spirit, Boy uncovers one stunning revelation after another as he barrels toward Hilda, leading to a shocking, carnage-crazed finale. —Lionsgate

Okayyyyyy … I honestly don’t know what to say about this movie. It’s either cinema gold – for when you are a boy – or like, total shitshow – for when you are a woman. See my dilemma?

This is a revenge story. But the plot is so paper thin, still confusingly told with plot twists. I dunno, are they any good? I was so bored I didn’t really pay attention but let this endless orgy of drug- and psychosis-induced violence wash over me without any critical thought.

Oh, the story doesn’t even play in our real world but a dystopian future society. Of course an autocratic dictatorship, just to complete the picture.

To make it short, this movie is nothing but a vehicle to highlight the labour of hundreds of stunt people. Alhough they peppered the cast with some talented B-stars, which appear more like distractions, like afterthoughts, with their cheesy antics. Sharlto Copley, Famke Janssen, and others didn’t add anything of value to this almost 2 hours long fisticuffs. They were the same cartoonish characters as anybody else in this film

The true star of the show is of course Bill Skarsgård in the title role of Boy. And he does it good. I mean he doesn’t utter a single word throughout the story, except an “Aaaaaargh!” towards the very end, after he killed his old mentor. His inner voice blabbers all the time, but that was narrated by a voice actor and didn’t match Skaarsgard’s physicality. Every other muscle mountain could have played the role equally well. If you watched The Northman, you might confuse him with Alexander Skarsgård. Don’t, please don’t. I dunno if they are from the same family, and even if both movies where about revenge … Boy Kills World plays in a much lower league.

CONCLUSION: It is what it says on the box. Not more, maybe less. If that’s good enough for you – only you can decide.

WATCH IT? Yes – if you a male. No – if you are a connoisseur of fine cinema.

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