Sparky Update

That my MiniMax PC is powered by Sparky Linux I told ya already, no? And that I’ve decided to use the Debian semi-rolling ISO, too.

Still a shock to see that Sparky indeed wants to install updates every now and then. 😮 Nifty things like this usually don’t happen in other Debian–based distros. But that’s exactly the reason why I haven’t installed Mint’s Debian version LMDE. This is a real kool system now – less nanny state than Mint – and will do me good for the time being.


    • Well akshually I don’t change distros very often. Indeed never if there is no catastrophic shit happening. For example now, as my fuxn Gigabyte mobo refuses to run Manjaro for any longer time period than, like, 2 years. And after the first fuk up I could run Manjo only for periods of days before the errors cascaded and rendered MiniMax unusable.

      So I switched to Sparky, a distro I had earmarked as emergency system long ago. So far it runs very nice.

      Karmi, you know the command for Nvidia 390 install? Sumfink like apt get blech blah?


  1. Orc … Jeez, I just realized you were a female Orc all along!?! Deceptive you! Guess Orc language is sorta like Spanish tho – hence the ‘a’ is added making it Orca…

    If I recall, Nvidia commands are:

    apt update
    apt search nvidia-driver
    apt install nvidia-driver nvidia-settings

    Maybe you’ll need sudo in front???

    It might also be in Synaptic Package Manager…

    Let me know if you get it to work. If you can’t, I’ll do a quick install and see how I used to get it installed.

    Oh, here’s a link that might help: GNU/Linux SparkyLinux Installing NVIDIA Driver Guide


  2. Update:

    Sparky has all kinds of downloads – I used to go with the rolling edition’s “MinimalGUI” option. On my now private LinuxNewbie blog it showed I installed the Nvidia drivers using that MinimalGUI option.

    Today I went with MATE option at top, which I figured you used. Neither the command line or Synaptic methods worked. Conflict with the nouveau driver. Am sure there is a solution, but not one I’ll bother finding.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I fear it’s the endtimes for Mate DE. Manjaro stopped developing it, and I guess many others, too. It probably was too boring, to adult looking for the general Linux fanatic. 😦 I still have the last Manjo/Mate ISO on USB, which we use with our laptops.

      Once that becomes non-manageable I guess hubby will go back to KDE, and I will switch to the friendly Cinnamon.


      • OK…”endtimes” for MATE sounds probably. I’ve found that KDE & Gnome seems to work best on a LARGE number of Distros, including Manjaro (Cinnamon seemed buggy on it to me). Fedora Cinnamon SPIN & Porteus Cinnamon have strong support so they are pretty much all I use anymore. Good time to have hubby teach you some KDE as a strong backup for future…Later! 👍

        Liked by 1 person

        • Cinnamon and Mate are Gnome. Cin is a spin of Gnome3, MATE a continuation of the dead Gnome2.

          Cinnamon still buggy? I’ve heard they got it under control now. Actually since Cin4 it’s sposedly super duper.

          Yes, I know KDE is the bestest. No probs using it. It’s just … it doesn’t feel right. It’s an emotional thing for me. Got a fave pair of gloves, the pair that’s warm and fits snuggly? That was/is Mate for me … and KDE will never be.

          I know, silly girl antics.


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