This Guy

Made a promising video:

Thinkpad t450 Linux Conversion

And what made his video even more compelling is the fact that he’s a dork (maybe even slightly ADHD). Made some rookie mistakes, had non-cool thought processes that led nowhere. So pretty much like a real n00b. Like you? To top it all off he installed our favourite Linux for the masses, Mint – on a potato!

Perfect! I guess the lappy you gonna aquire from your local thrift store’s gonna be a similar piece of museum hardware.

Let’s ogle the widdioh now, ok?

Just a video of me converting my last Windows laptop to Linux – a Fairly reasonable Thinkpad T450.

Best thing was when flakey guy forgot to record the actual installation process. 🙂 Doesn’t matter, it goes quick and we’re not supposed to touch our machine during that time anyway. Just walk away, get a coke from the kitchen, pet your kat or do whatev – and just wait for your lap- or desktop komputah to finish the job.

Really people, know why I link to so may Linux for the Blind videos lately?

Because I mean it.


The whole Microsoft Windows realm is in such a chaotic state right now, a switch to Linux is not just an alternative anymore – but the only alternative! No, not even an alternative at all – but the first choice. And for many of us the sole choice, the standard operating system!

So for you last holdouts it’s time to at least familiarize yourself with FOSS and GNU/Linux. For example by watching more or less helpful videos.

PS: Using a Lenovo ThinkPad was the most reasonable decision the CitCat guy made. These things are very tolerant and unkaputtable. I don’t know the value of your local Woolongs, but expect to pay between 20 – 100 of your country’s valuta. Except when you live in SA, then you multiply the price x20.

Perfect instruments for being tortured in your private Linux lab.

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