2 More Videos About Assange …

… and other stuff.

First up it’s The Duran’s Alex Christoforou with some more details not just about Assange – there is not much to know – but some very frightening details about the Crimea missile attack. Turns out they were not supposed to hit any military installations but were aimed at Sewastopol’s main cathedral, which was jam packed with orthodox Xtians who celebrated a very important holiday.

Turns out that the Russians don’t use Sewastopol as their Black Sea naval fleet’s main base anymore but found other harbors around the Black Sea. So Sewastopol is a purely political target. And it was 99% an American terror attack, fuxn Ukros just pressed the button.

Assange is FREE. Germany Merz talks peace. Ukraine plan given to Trump. EU sanctions ghost LNG ships

Second up is Judge Andrew Napolitano, who interviews ex-diplomat Pepe Escobar, and gives us his angry thoughts about the meaniepooface conditions under which Assange was set free:

Pepe Escobar : Putin’s Next Moves

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