This Can’t Wait!

Sorry guys, I just can’t wait until next week. I feel my brain functions diminish by the second. Everybody who’s watched The Acolyte so far is now at least 23% dumber than before! 😮 So I must get this outta my system before it’s too late and I forget it.

The power of one …
… the power of two …
… the power of Manny!

Are you also looking forward to next week’s show? In the meantime let’s guess who’s the evil shitlord in SWs most hilarious helmet yet. Your guesses go in the comment section. I’ll start with …

Who’s that?


  1. Qimir

    It’s so obvious “Discount EzraMiller” – as he’s so sympathetically called by the YT critics – he just can’t be it. And in every semi-smart crime caper he wouldn’t be the villain but a much less suspect character. But this is The Acolyte, a show made for girls – by girls; logic and reason and competent storytelling were never part of this shitshow. So, yes, it’s Qimir. Definately!

    Now let’s hear your candidates.


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