Awesome! Easy! Peasy!

What do we have here?

A retro hardware guy, who reactivates, restores and repairs old and older computers. Usually he restores them to factory settings BUT TODAY HE INSTALLS LINUX MINT for the first time ever. And is totally enamored already with the installation and customization process. And then with all the options and the supplied apps and software programs.

So this is what can be exactly your experience when you switch to Linux today:

Let’s take this older Dell OptiPlex SFF Desktop that was destined for the scrap bin and give it new life using Linux Mint! In this video we will show that just because something is ‘old’ doesn’t mean it can’t still be used today!

After stupidly using a DVD to install Linux, which takes forever, he finally gives in and creates a USB stick and seriously starts installing Mint at ~20 minutes into the video. Everything before that is of medium interest but not needed. Auntie Orcsi prepared you to use USB sticks right away, no? So you already avoided one huge beginners/old people mistake and will save a lot of time … and nerves.

Anyway, from that moment onwards it’s a pure joy to watch the guy losing his nuts over the ease of use and the practicality and richness of what Mint installs onto his old ~2015 computer. And how snappy everything is! And notice how he, despite being given the option to dualboot Win/Linux, he opts for nuking the SSD and going for Mint exclusively. Smart man.

This is almost exactly the scenario I always have in mind, and most of you’ll experience, when moving to Linux. Let Linux Mint spoil you. You deserve it!

Oh, one more golden protip: In older systems with mechanical harddrives, please replace them with an SSD! They are cheap these days and make a day/night difference. It’s even more important than getting more RAM. Linux is frugal with RAM use and lives pretty happy on 4GB. Ok?

One more thing: Don’t follow his advice to use Rufus for creating the bootable install medium, it’s for techy old men. We sexy young ladies let Etcher do the work for us! 😉

Now go on, toss all your DVDs and mechanical hard drives! Throw them away! Buhbaiii 🙂 And finally install Linux and have an insanely better life!

Do it!


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