Neofetch is Dead :(

Or it has been archieved as the Linux ppl say so politely. Original dev abandoned computing and took on farming … or so. For many of the geeky ppl a catastrophe!

No panic! Our beloved Neofetch tool/toy will still run for a while until it can’t show any new developments anymore. I’m still using it as you can see here.

No worries, there are also some alternatives to the good old neofetch. For example hyfetch. Oooh, looks gay!?!

You have no idea! This is how I was greeted by hyfetch after installation! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Fastfetch offers some more information than neofetch. For example it shows me that GagaMore’s main storage is almost full. 256 GB is rather smol, even in Linux. ๐Ÿ˜

Screenfetch is an almost 100% copy of neofetch. Very cool replacement.

UwUFetch is made to satisfy the canine-lovers. ๐Ÿ™‚ Bit silly, not many info but good for a short chuckle. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Wanna bet there’ll be a nekofetch soon for the grrl users?

Oh, how to get those fancy things? Eezy peezy: Just open up your terminal and type:

sudo pacman -S neofetch (if in Archy environments. No idea how you do it in Ubu/Deb/Mint/LMDE/Sparky …)

… or any of the other application names. That’s it. You’re done. From then on you just type the name of your fave fetch and see the wonder happening on your screen. And btw, as shitty as Windows is, this stuff works in the powershell as well. And in Mac anyhoo.

I’d be a bad bitch if I wouldn’t link to Brodie Robertson’s video:

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