A Humane War?

After now 10 years of Ukrainian terror on the Donbass republics, Lugansk and Donetsk, the Russians are still showing restraint.


This will go down in the history books as one of the most humane wars in history. Against all expectations and projections by experts, Russia has yet to launch an all out offensive against Ukraine and it’s not levelling Ukrainian cities either, only focusing like a laser beam its military attacks on military related Ukrainian targets and doing everything in its powers to avoid civilians casualties unlike the Israelis in Gaza or the US in Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, just to name but a few. Even as Russian armored tanks rolled into Kyviv, back in February 2022, at the beginning of the SMO, it quickly pulled back in the aftermath of the Instabul peace conference agreement, which the treacherous West, notably, British PM Boris Johnson, pressured Ukraine to ignore and trash. There’s no question that Russia, as a global military superpower, which Zelensky himself has admitted could never be fought and defeated by any single country on this planet, has the military power to reduce the entire Ukraine country into a huge pile of rubles, has consistently been holding back its military offensive in Ukraine. Why is that? The reason for this apparent reluctance to go all out on the offensive and get it over with, in a smoldering blitzkrieg, has been clearly articulated by President Putin himself. He said Russia doesn’t consider itself at war with Ukraine as such but rather with the collective West fighting Russia using Ukraine as a proxy. So killing Ukrainian people and decimating the country, which are considered their brothers is a bitter pill that Russia is forced to swallow as a collateral damage. That explains Putin’s minimalist approach to the SMO against the pressure from political hawks in Russia to rub out Ukraine and get it over with. That by the way, also explains why the conflict has not yet been elevated into the status of a war by the Russians and remains a low-key SMO. But for how long will Putin hold back on Ukraine? No one knows for sure but one thing for sure: Putin will not hold back forever. With the new peace offer from Putin, however, Ukraine has probably the last chance to head off doomsday scenario of Russian final solution in Ukraine. He has to choose between saving his country or losing it altogether to please his evil mentors in the West.

Does his sharp analysis from the warmth and comfort of his London/UK home: Alexander Mercouris.
Institute for the Study of War is an American thinktank, owned by Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law. Let’s not forget that smol detail.

As you can clearly see in this very Ukraine friendly map from 2 days ago, Russians and allied forces have still not escalated their initial mission of the SMO (Special Military Operation), as started in Feb 22. They are still busy destroying the last strongholds of the Ukrainian military in the Donbass region. For Russia this is not a war but an intervention.

The actually ongoing counteroffensive (light blue) in Zaporizhzhia is Ukraine’s often repeated mistake to get access to the local nuclear power plant and cause a BIG BANG! 😮 No worries tho, before you call for your children to come inside, know that Russia has sufficient numbers of personnel to protect this pretty important power source for the Donbass. The blue bubble will collapse soon.

In Marinka the RF forces are still busy uprooting hardcore partisan nests. Military and population are urging Putin to accelerate the operation, close the box and put an end to Uraine, once and for all. They can do it. If Russia puts its fot on the pedal they own Ukaine inside a week. But that would mean ~100,000 dead and wounded soldiers on the Federation side, even more dead Ukrainian servicemen – and countless civilian victims! And structural damage to all the cities and villages. Western Ukraine would soon look like the Donbass looks today. 😦

Putin still tries to find a conscientious negotiations partner in USA/EU/NATO, in order to avoid a great catastrophe. But time is quickly running out for Ukraine. 😮

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