The Bestest Linux Video Evarr!

Nobody gives you the first experience as lively, funny and animated as this Bog guy. He really goes through every little step with you – including some stupid redundant activities like tossing Balena Etcher and some other paraphernalia into the bin, like 2 minutes before he nukes the whole hard drive anyway. šŸ˜® It’s like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.

Anyhoo, this is the most useful shit I’ve ever seen. You will be able to actually set up your first Linux machine by just following this video.

And, do we even wonder about his choice of Linux distro? Anyone?

The Linux Experience

The guy is kinda smart, Windows smart but a total n00b on Linux. That’s why he sometimes thinks and acts a bit overly complex.

Yes. Yes. Yeees!

Okeee, the Bog guy does it only half-heartedly and opts for a dual boot system, which means he’s opting for Linux + Windows on his computer. :/ Not what I’d recommend, as getting some second-hand-laptop from the thrift store down on the corner is a much easier and pretty cheap option (Lenovo, Dell, HP, rest is crapola). You can officially fuk with that machine. And fuk it up stupidly – without doing any damage! Just restart the installation process. b00m! Done. Also you’re in possession of a fully functional, untouched computer all the time and at any stage of your first Linux install. Which means you can rewatch the video, check Orca’s blog and shout at her or just call the whole interwebz for halp! All while your wannabe Linux machine lies bricked and smoking on your desk and is as useful as a herpes infection. šŸ˜‰

But never forget: Before you do anything in your new playgroud …

Get it! First run the boring update – play later!


  1. Vocals were horrendous so I finally gave up trying to watch it.

    Have never understood why more Linux DEVs donā€™t suggest INSTALLING their Distro on a USB!? Not talking about the initial bootable USB, i.e., itā€™s used to INSTALL the OS onto HDD or SSD or M2 NVMeĀ® SSDs or USBs.

    The bootable USB is usually a basic small fat32 USB; however, the target installation USB needs to accept the ext4 format (or others), and not all USBs handle ext4. I suggest SanDisk or Samsung since I know they fully work with Linux.

    I agree with not installing “Linux + Windows” on the same drive, so the USB installation solves that issue, and can be used on most any computer. Not all Linuxes can be installed on a USB, but most all of the popular ones can be. Installing to a USB is a little slower.

    USBs are cheap now ā€“ a 256 GB SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive USB Type-C is around $22. Use it in a USB 2.0-3.1 slot or slide it for a Type-C slot. Part#: SDDDC2-256G-G46

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good idea for testing, Karmi, not so much for permanent use. We’re talking first installation, not goofing around.

      What was wrong with the audio? All perfectly good on my end. But then I’m just a girl and usually don’t fuk around with my computers. Install OS – use OS. No playtime, no experiments.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, if you use Linux all the time then maybe on something besides a USB. All my Linuxes are on USB, and they are permanent, i.e., not for “testing.” Wanna test, then just use the bootable USB installer.

        Finding Windows users willing to even try Linux is harder that finding hen’s teeth on a poultry farm, so it’s probably doesn’t matter…

        Yeah, the voice was garbledā€”sorta like he was running the sound thru some spy device to hide the voice…maybe that sounds good to a German though.

        Liked by 1 person

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